About mlk

About mlk
  • You can view common options for mlk by running the GUI software with mlk with the --help-mlk option.
  • If you set the environment variable MLK_APPDATADIR in the form of
    $ MLK_APPDATADIR = <DIR> <EXE> when running the app, the data file directory (usually "../share/<APPNAME>") can be specified in any position.
  • The default fonts and icon themes used in mlk are basically used, but if you cannot display them correctly or want to change them, you can specify them in the az-mlk-style.conf configuration file.
    The configuration file must be created by yourself, so either create a file in the specified directory and write it directly, or edit it with "mlk style editor" and save it.
If az-mlk-style.conf exists in the specified location, the GUI style will be loaded when the application starts.

az-mlk-style.conf should be created in one of the following locations.

  • ~/.config/az-mlk-style.conf
    Common style settings are specified in this file.
  • ~/.config/<APPNAME>/az-mlk-style.conf
    If you want to change the settings for each app, place the file at the top of the directory where the settings file for each app is saved.
    This file is read in preference to ~/.config/az-mlk-style.conf.

Contents of az-mlk-style.conf
When writing directly, write in the following form.

font=<font value>
icon_theme=<icon theme name>

How to specify the icon theme
Please specify with icon_theme=<theme name>.

Themes are installed in one of the following directories, so specify the top directory name for each theme.


If you want to use the theme of /usr/share/icons/Faenza, specify icon_theme=Faenza.

If no icon theme is specified, the icon theme will be loaded from the GTK+3 configuration file.
If GTK+3 is not set, the first icon theme found in the above directory will be used.
How to specify the font
If you want to specify the GUI font directly, write as follows.

font=family=DejaVu Sans;style=Book;size=10;

After "font=" is the value that specifies the font.
Describe multiple values in the format NAME=value, each separated by ';'.

  • Half-width spaces as characters can be described as they are.
    It is not necessary to enclose it with " ".
    If enclosed, " itself is treated as part of the string.
  • If it contains a ';' as a character, write it as '\;'.
  • Do not write extra spaces before or after the delimiter ';'.
  • You can see the list of font family names and style names with $ fc-list (fontconfig tool).
Possible values
family=[name]The family name of the font.
Please describe the half-width space as it is.
style=[style]Font style name.
If omitted, the search will be performed with the normal weight.
size=[size]Font size.
Positive values in pt units, negative values in px units.
file=[filename]File path when directly specifying the font file
index=[n]If you specify a font file with 'file' and it is ttc/otc, the index number of the font to use.
0 by default.
dpi=[n]DPI value when font size is in pt
Below, when the font is specified in family, the default value is the value set in fontconfig
embeddedbitmap=[0 or 1]0 = Do not use embedded bitmaps (always use outline data).
0 以外 = use.
hinting=[n]Hinting type.
0=none, 1=slight, 2=medium, 3=full
rendering=[n]Drawing type.
0=mono, 1=grayscale, 2=LCD(RGB), 3=LCD(BGR), 4=LCD(RGB-V), 5=LCD(BGR-V)
lcdfilter=[n]LCD filter type when drawing LCD.
1 is the default.
0=none, 1=default, 2=light
autohint=[0 or 1]0, do not use automatic hinting with FreeType